Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

We actually had a pretty low key New Year's Eve. Some Scouting friends of ours, the Suckows, have family and Scouters over on New Years Eve for delicious soups, snacks, and games. We brought our new Sequence game to play. We left at 9 to do a tour at the homeless shelter. Susan thought everyone there would be in a party mood and brought Vernor's ginger ale and plastic champagne glasses to celebrate, but half had gone to bed before we showed up at 10 and the rest were pretty subdued.

We went home at 2 and toasted the New Year and new decade with a bottle of St. Julian's sparkling pomegranate-blueberry juice.

On New Years Day, we went to Andrew and Sabrina's for brunch and to marvel at their Wii.

Buddy and I had good long walks on New Years and the two following days at the Dog Park in very brisk conditions, two were near blizzards.

Angela and Ethan returned home safely as did Andrew and Sabrina from their trip to the Mackinac Bridge to pick up Austyn who had stayed with his dad for a week. Al is doing well.

1 comment:

The Duke said...

Happy New Years, you party animals!