Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back to Buffalo

On Tuesday, Harry had jury duty, so I took a day trip over to visit old Camp Buffalo. On the way, I stopped to see Jim Clary and Harry Rodkey in Peru and enjoyed reminising with them.

It was heartening to see the improvements at Camp Buffalo and the condition of the camp. The new dining hall is an immense resource to the camp plus they did an outstanding job of remodelling the old dining hall into the first aid center, conference center, and bunk rooms.

It was 50 years ago that I went to Boy Scout Summer Camp for the first time. Walking around the camp with Will McCune was quite a nostalic experience.

The gateway is very similar

This is in the Oaks campsite. In 1961, there was an Adirondack shelter here that I stayed in during my first week of Boy Scout camp.

The burr on this oak in Tent City camp site was a landmark 50 years ago. I have a picture of Brother Dick as a Scout by this tree.

The old Dining Hall has been remodelled into the First Aid center, a conference center, and bunk rooms for winter camping.

This is the tree plantation east of the entrance. It was in pine trees, then a cornfield. In the early 1990's, the hardwood tree plantation was put in. Our Philmont crew pruned here in 1993 when the trees were less then knee high to get our conservation hours in for the 50 miler award.

The Lafayette Stake will be having their summer camp at Buffalo in 2012. If Harry goes with Amy's Logan, I hope to be there or else with John's troop or maybe both.

1 comment:

Jess and Jen said...

I remember that camp. I know I attended there at least once and perhaps twice. I remember Andrew refusing to make a bowel movement all week long -- reserving it for the home toilet.

I went to Philmont with you and Andrew in 1993 but don't remember a thing about pruning a plantation. -Jess