Jeanne had bought mom and dad's house before mom died, but had been improving the house. She was living there the last several months before her death. So after the services at Zimmerman's Funeral Home, friends and family gathered at 201 W 9th.
Here are four generations of Wells men: Oliver and his son Owen (born on my birthday, Oct 16th), James Oscar Wells, IV "Augie" and his dad Oscar, aka James Oscar Wells III, and the patriach, James O. Wells II, who is still practicing law at 84 years of age. Oliver is full time with the National Guard on a emergency response team. He is also on the Indiana Guard's biathalon team.
Oscar and son Augie.
Moms Mendi with Augie and Kristy with Owen.
Oscar and Augie (JO IV), John, Emily and her husband Jason, a family friend Terry Lee, and I had a traditional Rochester breakfast at the Evergreen. Emily and Jason live in Colorad0 where they work for the Forest Service mostly fighting forest fires.
Jeanne had a caregiver/cook/cleaner toward the end who is an Amish lady originally from Berne. She cooked for the gathering after the services: noodles, mashed potatoes, pumpkin roll, pumpkin pie, blueberry pie. John and I both had the same reaction when we entered the house, "smells just like home" with the delicious aromas. The aroma combined with the young children made it feel just home again.
When JO was ready to leave, he asked if he had his hat when he came in. John and I sang the response to him that he first heard about 40 years ago from the Jones whole chorus.
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