Sunday, July 29, 2007

Welcome Home Andrew

Andrew arrived home today (Sunday, July 29th) after completing his bar exam on Wednesday. He thinks he did okay, but it "was no Slam Dunk." The results of the bar exam don't come out until November (which is when his student loan repayments start), so at this point, he will be around here and try to get some temporary work.

We had a grand cook out this afternoon to welcome him home. Susan's folks, Ang, Ethan, and Anna, Al, and Angela's friend Kristen Zalbocki were here. Anna was the primary entertainment. She calls Susan's folks, Grandma Great and Granpa Great. She likes to dance to the music that comes out of a stuffed animal.

Susan and I attended her 40th High School Reunion Saturday evening. It was a class reunion. What more can you say. My class reunion is next week, but I'll be a the Putnam Reunion.

The Scout work is going well. We are having a good summer at Camp.

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