Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stake Conference at Green Bay

Rachel, Beth, and Rebecca picnic at the Stake Center
Anna slides out of the mouth of a giant frog!

Hot Tub Susan
Ethan's mom Melissa, Angela, and Beth at poolside

We had Stake Conference in Green Bay this week end. We spent Saturday night in a motel- Beth & Stuart's family, Ethan and Angela and Anna, Ethan's folks, and us. Saturday morning was a community service project. Stuart and I helped woodchip a nature trail and Susan was on litter pick up. There was a picnic on the stake center lawn followed by afternoon meeting. We celebrated Susan's birthday a couple of days after the fact at the Ground Round Restaurant, then went to the pool. Chuck Rayhorn and I took a forty-five minute walk in the early morning light. The Country Inn & Suites has a great breakfast that we all took advantage of and then went to conference. Returned to Marquette about 6 pm and took Buddy to the beach.

We had a good time and joked that even if Marquette would get a stake center before the Second Coming, the Marquette Saints would probably still get a motel room and go to the mall on Saturday on Stake Conference weekend.

1 comment:

HO IV and crew said...

Your stake conference was always one of our favorite times, too! That was great when you would come stay with us in Appleton. Sounds like a fun time.