Tuesday, December 25, 2007

God Bless us everyone

We had a wonderful Christmas. We had the Christmas Eve gathering with Susan's folks, sister, nephew, brothers, Andy, Al, Angela, Ethan, & Anna; Beth, Stuart, and kids over for a lot of delicious food.

Christmas morning we continued our tradition of having the missionaries over for brunch and that was followed by the opening of the presents. Anna is such a little lady. She got a apron and Polly Pocket dolls as well as a baby boy doll she named Benjamin to get used to the idea of a baby brother.

Sue and I went to Angela and Ethans in the afternoon to play with Anna and listen to Angela play some Christmas music on the piano. Al and Heather joined us there and then came to our house to eat some of the leftovers.

Buddy and I got in daily walks although it was a bit treacherous on the ice that came after the 3/4 inches of rain on Sunday morning. We have had great winter weather through most of December. After the rain, we still have snow cover, but it is crusty and icy.

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