Friday, May 30, 2008

Memorial Day get away

After going to the Chicago Temple, Susan and I went to
Fort Wayne to visit mom, Harry and Linda. Bump and Teresa's kids were also at Harry and Linda's while Bump and Teresa were house hunting in Chicago.

Due to the crowd at Harry's house, mom was in a very nice hospice facility from Thursday until Monday noon. The facility was new and very well staffed. Mom had a private room and was very comfortable.

We had a traditional Memorial Day cook out Monday and I manned the grill in the highest traditions, which was good since Hal and Tyler can put away the chow in the highest traditions also. The morning was spent in yard and garden work. We also got acquainted with Harry's bees which are very busy colonizing his hive.

Harry and Linda went to Lafayette Tuesday through Thursday for work and to visit Amy and Chuck's family. Bonnie Swing was at the house to take care of mom and we helped a bit.

Wednesday, we all went to Elwood to see the newest greatchild, Griffin, and supper with him, Pat, and Amber. Mom did very well on the 90 mile trip and was quite alert on the way back.

In addition to Bonnie, we got acquainted with mom's visiting nurse from the hospice group and her massage therapist. Hazel is very well taken care of by them, but mostly by Linda's phenomenal efforts.

It's Friday and we are getting ready to head back to Marquette.

1 comment:

Jess and Jen said...

Dewey Jones! Susan Jones! Hi. What fun the blogosphere is that we can get caught up with each other's lives without having to live in the same ward or even state. Glad to see things are going well in the UP.

I made it to the Boundary Waters last summer through work. I was just a hop, skip, and a jump away from you guys! -Jess