Sunday, August 10, 2008

In memory of Hazel Jones

Hazel Putnam Jones

January 11, 1921 - August 2, 2008

Mom passed away Saturday, August 2nd about 6:45. She has been living with Harry and Linda in Fort Wayne. She has been in a hospice program with home health care. Yesterday, the visiting nurse advised that she go to the hospice center. It is a wonderful facility with excellent caregivers.
She has been suffering form bed sores of late, not eating much, and very weak. Yesterday morning, her vision seemed "glazed over."
Susan and I were enroute to a Scout conference in Nashville, TN on Friday and scheduled to spend Friday night at Harry and Linda's. The crew was loading mom in to the ambulance to go to the hospice facility as we arrived. I got in the ambulance with her. During the trip, she was conscious, but did not speak. She looked confused. Her vital signs were erratic.
After arriving at the hospice facility, she went to sleep, occasionally opening her eyes, but not responding verbally to conversation. I stayed in the room until midnight, then Harry O relieved me. Susan and I visited with her in the morning before heading to Nashville. Harry and Linda went to a wedding in Indianapolis for one of Linda sister's grand daughters. Bonnie Swing, who has been Mom's care giver called about 6:30 saying the nurses thought the end may be near, and then the call came shortly after that.

1 comment:

Jess and Jen said...

Dewey, sorry to hear your Mom passed away. I'm glad you got a chance to spend some time with her before she died. -Jess