Friday, February 27, 2009

Another week, another blizzard

The winter just won't quit. As you can see from the picture of the picnic table, we won't be grilling out for a while. Buddy however enjoys knawing on a bone whatever the season.
I drove home from Round Table in the Soo last night getting in about midnight. It was challenging, but not a white knuckle experience. The storm grew into a full blown blizzard during the night and schools were cancelled today. I am going in to work about noon.

1 comment:

Papa Doc said...

Hello to the Jones. I am just looking at a few things and saw you on a link. Looks like you are just getting started. Is that right?
Guess not. I just looked at your archive and saw that there are lots of things. I will have to look at some of them.

Considering where you guys live, you could post an accout of the weather each day and keep the world interested.

Talk to you later.

Jim Clark