Monday, May 25, 2009

Boy Scout National Meeting

I attended the national Boy Scout meeting last week in Orlando. It was not fun in the sun. In fact, the sun never shone the entire time we were there. You may have observed on the weather reports that parts of Florida received 24" of rain during that time.
But it was fun seeing old friends like Jerry Freyberg, now the number 2 person on the Detroit Council staff. He is doing well and his family also.
I don't always attend this meeting, but went this year since one of our Scoutmasters, Don Fitch from Escanaba, pictured in the center of the three some, was recognized as a distinguished Scoutmaster. In addition to the recognition, these 43 Scoutmasters give input to the national council in program planning.
The meeting was very inspirational. Alvin Townley, the author of a newly released book, "Spirit of Adventure," spoke and showed videos about his interviews with young Eagles making a difference around the world. Two mothers of victims of the tornado at Little Sioux
Scout Camp spoke movingly about their appreciation for Scouting in their boys' lives. Also heard from James Kittenger, a former Air Force test pilot, who was involved in pre-space flight research. He skydived from 103,000 feet to test escape systems! He was also a POW for 11 months in Viet Nam. He is well worth googling.
The national BSA has the best leadership in the 30 years I have been with them. They are working hard at changing how the national council operates and providing leadership. They announced that the an anonymous gift of $10 million had been given for the new national jamboree site in Virginia.
The trip back was frustrating. The flight departure from Orlando was delayed, so I missed my connection in Atlanta. I was due back in Marquette at 2 and got in at 5:30 after being rerouted. Normally, this wouldn't have mattered much, but Susan's niece, Krista, was getting married at 3 pm. I missed the wedding. but got to the reception. It was in the same hotel as Andrew and Sabrina's wedding the previous week and was the 4th wedding we attended in the last 5 weeks.
I got our tickets to visit Christie's family in July and then fly on to Oregon to be at Janet's son, Gabriel's wedding.

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