Monday, June 22, 2009

Lazy Father's Day

Father's Day weekend was great. I was off Saturday for a change and Susan was downstate visiting Angela's family and attending her niece Virginia's graduation reception in Midland. So Buddy and I had a beautiful hike along the Lake Superior shoreline for 3 1/2 hours. Susan got home late Saturday night.

We had good meetings at church Sunday with the Primary providing special music and giving the dads candy treats in a "pocket." Susan was tired from the trip, so we did not have a big meal, just her and I with brats and corn on the cob. Andrew and Sabrina and Alex came over for cake (Andrew's 30th birthday as well as Father's Day) Beth and Stuart and kids drop over a bit later. Angela called and Anna sang the "I so glad..." song and Christie called later in the evening. After the visitors, we went to the beach and used the present from Al, a beach mat that folds up into a carrying case.

All in all, a great day for a Dad.

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