Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Happy Wanderers

We had a Saturday with no Scouting activities or major events. I mowed the lawn at home and the Scout office. In the afternoon, Susan, Buddy, and I hiked to the high point on the Lake Harlow to Wetmore Landing trail. In one picture, Lake Superior is behind Susan to the east. Harlow Lake is the horseshoe shaped lake behind me to the west.

Susan was a bit leary of Buddy prancing around her on the outcropping. Three or four years ago, a guy alledgedly pushed his wife off a cliff in Pictured Rocks and maintained she slipped. The jury found him guilty of murder. I don't think a court would buy it if I claimed that the dog pushed her over, so I called Buddy over to me for a treat.

1 comment:

Papa Doc said...

That last comment about the dog was really funny. So did the guy get the chair, or did he confess, or how did they prove such a thing as this murder?

Jim Clark