Sunday, August 5, 2007

Putnam Reunion

The Putnam Reunion in Oscoda was a great gathering of the family. There were not as many present as in some years, but good fellowship and a lot of food. The brats were a favorite and there was a multitude of desserts.
Susan and I went down by ourselves. Ethan was participating in the Copper Man triathalon at Copper Harbor. I'm sure their website will chronicle his exploits. Andrew had to make a trip to Lansing to pick up his furniture and get it to Marquette. I was concerned about him, but he made the trip safely, arriving in Marquette about a half hour ahead of us on Saturday night. Al was hard at work and looked after Buddy.
Sorry, I did not get more pictures, but I was having trouble with the lighting indoors.
Thanks to John and Lou for hosting the gathering.
Next year's reunion is scheduled for August 9th. Jack Smith will coordinate it somewhere in central or southern Michigan. Hope to see you there.

The Brats Meisters Jack & John with supervisors

Jon MacDougal

Alex, Susan, and Trevor

Julia- Jennifer and TJ's daughter

Susan and the party favor (scented candle)

1 comment:

Pat & Amber said...

Looks like we missed out on a great time! We'll have to make it a priority next year! It was a crazy weekend for us getting moved into our new home. Thanks for all the great comments on our blog and for sharing so much on yours!

Love, Pat & Amber