Sunday, April 27, 2008

At the Hop

The Ward is celebrating the 50th anniversay of the church being established in the Upper Peninsula. Saturday evening we had a church social with a 50's dance theme. Pictured are James, Beth, Stuary, and Rebecca; Angela, Susan, Beth, and Stuart; and Rachel and a friend.
Anna never slowed down enough to get a picture and Ethan was studying for final exams this coming week.
Ethan received notification of acceptance into the Physical Therapy program at University of Michigan at Flint. He probably will take it, but has two weeks to make a decision. Andrew is still looking for employment. Al had a good performance review at Target and recently received a raise.
Susan and I attended a Scout Conference in LaCrosse, Wi. The driving days were nice, but it rained while we were there. Susan read and did sewing.

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