Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Great Weekend in Nauvoo

Here is Susan posing in front of the horse carriage we rode on.
The reason for the celebration, Pat, Amber, and Griffin, now sealed.

We were blessed to gather with most of the Jones saints in Nauvoo. The primary reason to be present was the sealing of Pat, Amber, and Griff (aka as LP- Little Pat) in the Nauvoo Temple. It is the most beautiful temple I have been in. HO & Linda, Bump and Teresa's fam, Amy and Chuck's, and Pat's were all present. This is a total of 21, all of whom gathered for supper at the Nauvoo House for a tasty buffet.

Two of the highlight activities were a wagon ride that included a narrative of various personalities in early Nauvoo and a play by the senior missionaries that was pretty amazing.

Everyone went to Bump's house in Chicago on Sunday, We enjoyed some Euchre and stayed over for a cook out on Labor Day. He has plenty of room and a great location with a park in their back yard.

Everyone enjoyed the weekend and the consensus was to do it again in 2 or 3 years.

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