Sunday, November 2, 2008

Life in the UP- 3 year old shoots father

I dropped the digetal camera and it is kaput, so you just get narrative for awhile. Susan is in Utah
for two weeks visiting Christie's family. She attended a wedding reception for David Clark who used to be in the Logansport Ward.

The main thing to share is a news item from today's paper that gives you a flavor of life in the UP:

CHASSELL - Houghton County Sheriff's deputies were investigating an accidental shooting Saturday evening that occurred earlier in the day in Chassell Township.
Preliminary investigation showed that a 3-year-old boy out hunting with his father, shot into the woods and struck his father. The gun the boy had was a .22 caliber rifle.
The bullet penetrated the father's lung, deputies said.
He was in surgery Saturday evening, but was expected to recovery from the incident. Police said the shooting occurred off Pike River Road at about 3 p.m.

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