Monday, November 17, 2008

Chicago Temple Trip

Once again a blog without pictures. This is a lot like the old UP UPdate, pretty drab. Angela left a hand-me-down camera that we have not figured out how to use. She'll be here next week and either we'll get that one operational or buy something.

Anyhow, the big event last week was a trip to the temple with the youth of our ward and a visit with Bumper and family. Susan and I and the young men stayed at Bumpers arriving about 11
Friday night and leaving at 7:30 in the morning for an 8 am sesson at the temple. We did get in one game of euchre with Teresa and Susan up against Bumper and me.

Bumper and Teresa also treated the entire crew to a bountiful, if not leisurely, breakfast in the highest Jones traditions. Mom would have been proud and dad would have been satiated.

Winter is on us today. I would say 5-6 inches of snow and gusty winds.

We have started the dog walk routine at Tourist Park in lieu of the visits to Lake Superior. There are ususally other dogs for Buddy to run with at Tourist Park and he has a great time.

Scout work is going pretty good. So far the financial problems have not impacted us although a small car dealership and two fast food restaurants closed last week here in Marquette County. There is still major construction planned for the iron mines and Kennecott is eager to start mining for nickel & cadmium as soon as the regulatory hurtles are surmounted.

We are looking forward to Anna and Ben's visit next week and of course it will be good to see Ethan and Angela also. Everything else is pretty much routine.

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