Saturday, November 22, 2008

Life in the UP

It is hunting season here and most Yoopers are are actively practicing their religion of deer hunting with all its attendant rituals. This news article reports an event being viewed by some of these adherants as the equivalent of the second coming: the shooting of an albino buck:

Bruce Crossing hunter shoots a rarity.Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 5:49 p.m.

BRUCE CROSSING -- It's a six-point buck with an 18-inch spread, and it weighed 180 pounds at field dressing.
A pretty impressive deer, but nothing special, right?
Wrong. It was an albino deer that was shot on Tuesday in the Bruce Crossing area by a Bruce Crossing man who asked TV6 not to use his name.
The hunter esitmates the deer was between four and five years old.
He plans to mount the entire body somewhere in town for everyone to see. He's open to suggestions.
How rare are albino deer? Biologists estimate they occur in about one in every 30,000 births. And unfortunately, most albino fawns don't survive to adulthood.

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