Saturday, November 29, 2008

Walking off the turkey

We have a camera now- a hand me down from Angela. Actually we have had it for a while but couldn't figure it out until Angela showed us how. It is a basic Kodak (in the old days a basic Kodak was a Brownie- this is more than that), it has video, but no audio with it, also no zoom. But it fits our needs.

Anyway, we have been enjoying our time at the dog park this winter. The winter weather has actually been great. We had a major snow two weeks ago that put down a good base and have had small additions every day or every other day since then. The temperature highs have been in the low thirties and lows in the 20s.

Why is this good? Well, usually the first snow starts as a freezing rain that turns to a heavy snow, so you have a layer of ice, slush, and heavy snow to remove. This was just an easy to shovel 8 inch snow. Then the usual trend early in the season is to go through a couple of weeks of freeze, thaw, freeze, thaw while winter shows that it is boss. The freeze thaw sequence results in ice. So that has been minimized this year.

The ski hill opened the weekend before Thanksgiving and all the winter sports enthusiasts are estatic with the conditions. With the price of gas down so dramatically, we may even see some tourists in the UP this winter. So come on UP, you won't be alone.

So here are some pictures of Buddy, Susan, & I at the dog park walking off our turkey tummies.

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