Saturday, November 29, 2008

Camp Hiawatha in the winter

We are building a new showerhouse at Camp Hiawatha. All of our previous projects have been primarily volunteer labor and a lot of donated supplies, which means things happen when volunteers are available or the materials appear. The showerhouse is a contract job, so I thought that the usual worries would go away. Well a state plumbing inspector was on vacation for 3 weeks and that put the project significantly behind schedule. Very fortunately, the mild weather in late October and early November allowed the masonry work to get done before the weather closed in, but the carpenters had to fight the elements to get the roof on. So I went to camp the day after Thanksgiving to get some pictures to share with the donors and prospective donors.
Leaving camp, there were two wild turkeys along the road. That's not an unusual occurance in the UP, but I thought a photo was appropriate considering the holiday. By the time I got the camera out, they were into the woods, but you can see the dark bodies of two who got away.

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