Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekend in Clio

I had a Scout Executive Conference in Ann Arbor on the 11th & 12th, so I dropped Susan at Angela and Ethan's on the way down and then we spent the weekend with them returning on Monday. Friday night, Susan and Ang went to the ward Relief Society Christmas party and Ethan & I took the kids to Cracker Barrel (Ethan's favorite restaurant in the area).

Saturday, I took Anna sledding and we went to the Ward Christmas Party in the evening. Sunday, we attended church. Their ward meets from 11 to 3 so it pretty much precludes doing much else during the day. Ben is crawling and vocal, more interesting all the time. Ang will probably put some video on her blogsite.

I was busy this evening with birthday reminders and ecards- Allison and Seth on the 18th and Jared and Logan on the 17th. It is a challenge to keep up with the Jones.

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