Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas

The Christmas Brunch tradition continues.

Gramma Claus helps with opening presents.

Anna clues Ben in on Christmas Traditions.

Al & Heather with Buddy.

Ben plays with Buddy's new toy

Al, Angela, and Andrew.
It has been a wonderful Christmas. Angela, Ethan and the kids have been here about a week. We have had snow almost every day, but Christmas Day was sunny and warm (in the 20's). We had everyone here Christmas Eve including Sue's folks, her sister Jean and her son Mark, and brothers Joe and Steve and all our Michigan kids. There is really not room for everyone at once, so the attendance was staggered, but it worked well and we greatly enjoyed the evening.
Christmas morning, we had our traditional brunch with the missionaries and Angela, Andrew, and Al were with us. We had a beautiful walk at the Dog Park with Buddy in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day getting rested up.
Merry Christmas to all.

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