Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

We had an enjoyable but subdued New Years Eve. We attended a party of some Scouters and played board games. Our Scrabble experience paid off and I dominated there. Also enjoyed a game called Labrynthe that was new to us. I was soundly defeated by a young person on a memory game of matching cards.

We came home about 11 and watched the festivities on TV.

Andrew went to Traverse City with his girl friend for New Years. Al worked on New Years and was happy to be getting time and a half. We got together with Al last night for supper. He is doing well.

We attended Family Home Evening with Beth and Stuart's family and enjoyed a piano recital by Rachel, Rebecca, and James.

Angela, Ethan and the kids got home okay last Monday and have been in touch daily. We miss them.

Have a great year ahead!

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