Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Beautiful Sunshine

Susan and I left the snowy northland to attend the annual Trails End Popcorn sale in Orlando. It was at the Hyatt Grand Cypress near Disney and was a great facility. Pictures are at the pool, on the bikes, and in one of the dining rooms. We also spent time admiring the artwork in the hotel, playing 9 holes of "pitch and put" golf (the holes were 30 to 90 yards from the tees), canoeing, hiking, and watching the evening fireworks in the distance at Epcot and the Disney's Magic Kingdom. I did attend the sessions and learned some new techniques on selling popcorn.

We had some good fortune on the trip down. We were to fly from Marquette to Detroit to Atlanta to Orlando. The leg from Detroit to Atlanta was overbooked and we got the bump. They flew us on to Cincinnati where they put us up for the night at a new hotel and gave us $56 of food vouchers. Saturday morning, we flew First Class to Orlando. Enroute we discussed where to go with the flight coupons we each received.

1 comment:

Ange said...

Looks like you guys had fun...next year bring us with you! You guys deserve the fun trip.