Saturday, June 23, 2007

Ashley's Graduation

This is a belated report on Sue and my trip to Indiana the week of Memorial Day. We went to the Chicago Temple with our Ward on Saturday, May 26th and then drove to Fort Wayne to Harry's house. Harry and Linda went to Utah for the rest of the week and we took mom to Rochester until Friday. There we did some cleaning and sorting and visiting.

On Friday, we went to Kokomo, linked up with HO and Linda who had flown out of Indianapolis and sent mom with them. We attended Ashley's gradutation from Taylor High School that evening. Christie and baby Paxton had flown out and Beth had driven down with Rachel and Rebecca. Here is a photo from the motel of me and Sue with Austin, Ashley, and Paxton. Somewhere in cyberspace is a picture of the whole clan who were there and maybe I'll get it posted.


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